Kalyssa Boswell

Hello I am Kalyssa Boswell, I am a young missionary who has loved traveling to different parts of the world, following wherever the Lord leads. I’m writing to share with you about an exciting opportunity and experience that lies ahead for me. Back in 2021 (my Jr year of highschool) I felt YWAM Colorado Springs placed on my heart and through lots of prayer and waiting for His timing I was able to follow Him and completed a YWAM Discipleship Training School (DTS). I have been presented with the opportunity to join YWAM Colorado Springs as staff starting early next spring. My role will involve staffing and leading Discipleship Training Schools, possibly leading foreign outreaches and doing an internship with the Media team, as well as taking secondary schools. My heart behind joining staff is to obey God’s calling on my life even if that means taking a blind step of faith. I wish to be able to help champion those of my generation through this base to live out the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. I am also excited to learn and grow in my own relationship with the Lord as well as grow in living missionally both in the USA and overseas.

While not a lifelong commitment, it is a more extended dedication than a short-term mission. YWAM believes that it is important for staff to be supported and partnered with by the local Body of believers. As a result,  I won’t receive pay from YWAM for my work; instead, they ask for consistent monthly support to fund my work. As I step out into this new season of life and walk with the Lord, I’m looking for 15 to 20 people willing to commit to contributing $50 – $100 (and if the Lord leads you to commit to more that is always an option to 😉 a month while I work in Colorado and overseas. But, I firmly believe support isn’t limited to financial contributions. I believe that God has the means to provide financially so that is the least of my concerns. “Where it’s His will, it’s His bill”. Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be successful as I follow God’s leading. I would really benefit from your prayers as I want to grow in my personal life and ministry. Without prayer, nothing will happen. “Do the possible and allow God to do the impossible”, help me in doing the possible. While money is important, it comes in a distant second to my need for your prayer support. I invite those who are passionate about the things I’ve shared and willing to champion the vision for purpose and revival that God has put in my heart to partner with me in this journey of faith.

Thank you for your support!

Blessings! ~With love,

Kalys Boswell

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