Journey: Peru 2024

Journey: Peru 2024 Mission Trip

(Click on one of our team members pages to donate!)

We’re excited to extend an invitation for you to join Journey Church, People of Peru Project, and World Family Missions on a mission trip to Iquitos, Peru, from June 24th to July 5th. This journey offers a unique opportunity to witness the tra

nsformative impact of missions on your life as you engage with and share the love of Jesus with the people of Peru.

 Cost is approx $2000 (we can help with fundraising)
The attached picture is from last year’s team:

Partnering with the People of Peru Project, our focus will be on aiding the region of Peru, particularly Iquitos, nestled at the headwaters of the Amazon River. Throughout our time in Iquitos, our team will engage in various service activities, including supporting a Girls Home, assisting local church construction projects, conducting light medical outreaches to the community, and spending valuable time with unreached or under reached individuals in the jungle area. Our collective goal is to address the pressing needs of those affected by human trafficking, exploitation, and general malnutrition.

Your prayers, support, and contributions will play a pivotal role in enabling us to spread the love of Christ and bring hope to the people of Iquitos. Whether through prayer, financial support, or active involvement, your participation is invaluable as we embark on this mission.

For more information or to get involved, please reach out to Pastor Mike Boswell at

Thank you for considering this impactful opportunity to make a difference together.