Hi, I’m Erik Stephen.
I’m a dad, husband and pop-culture fanboy from Phoenix, Arizona.
I’m also a rapper. My favorite things to rap about are Jesus, my family, and superheroes. Some people call me a geek. You know what’s fun, though? I get to own my identity as a geek, because that’s who God made me.
When I was in high school, I used to get picked on a lot because of my interest in comic books, pro wrestling, Disney, and stuff like that. I went through some dark times, and at one point I even thought about taking my own life. That day, I asked God to show me if He was real, and He did. My life has been His ever since.
I now get to tour the United States and beyond with my family, sharing my music and the story of how God has changed our lives. I’ve been doing this awhile, and it’s been amazing to see how God has given me these opportunities to do what he made me to do. It’s not me doing it on my own. I’m just like anybody else, but God called me to serve him with my gifts and I said “yes.” You can do the same thing!
My wife Michelle is an author, blogger, missionary, booking agent, music manager and all-around gap-filler-inner. Basically human Silly Putty that tries to fill in any cracks she can find.